Monday, December 10, 2012

Nov 30-Dec 2 Munich!!

I went to Munich a few weeks ago with a bunch of people from our study abroad program. We had so much fun, it was one of my favorite trips! It was really cold the entire time, which reminded me of how cold I am going to be when I get back to Colorado. Barcelona is really nice because in the winter the coldest it gets is 50's during the day and 40's at night. When we got in on Friday we wandered around the city and went to the famous Hofbrauhaus for dinner that night. The restaurant was so cool, it was in a giant building with huge tables all over. You just walk in and sit wherever you want, usually at a table with other people that you don't know. Their was live music and people dressed in traditional lederhosen outfits. The food was delicious and of course there were giant beers! I have noticed that many of my trips have been to cities where beer is very popular which hasn't been going very well for me since I hate beer. I am always very out of place at a restaurant when I'm the only one who is beerless. But that's ok, I ate pretzels instead. We also went to two different Christmas markets. There was one in the middle of the city in an area called Marienplatz and one a little farther away in an area called Theresienwiese where Oktoberfest takes place. The markets at Theresienwiese were nice because there were a lot of big tents that you could walk in that were heated, so we could escape from the cold for a little. The Christmas markets were very fun, there was a lot of food, hot wine called Gluhwein, and kiosks selling all sorts of stuff from clothes to clocks to jewelry. On Saturday we went to Dachau, the concentration camp outside Munich. It was extremely sad and hard to see, but we learned a lot and it was very educational to see. Our flight was early on Sunday morning and we woke up to snow! One of my friends is from India and was so excited to play outside because she knew she would not be seeing any snow for a long time!

The view on the way into Munich

At dinner with new friends we met at our table. They were on their
way to the Munich soccer game!

Outside at the Christmas Markets in the city center

At dinner

Christmas markets in the city center

In the city center

Dachau Memorial

The view from the top of St Peter's church

Hofbrauhaus restaurant

All the beer at Hofbrauhaus

St Peter's church

Shops at the Christmas Markets

At the Christmas Markets in Theresienwiese where Oktoberfest is held

Live music at the Hofbrauhaus 

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